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Lucky single people

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kinell | 11:08 Thu 04th Dec 2008 | News
41 Answers
How fortunate single people are that the credit crunch doesnt affect them.

If soundbite brown the sub-prime minister drops the 'f' word into another sentence (family) i will scream.

Now madge in her opening of parliament says her government are to help 'families and businesses' through the recession.

Pleasse explain how a single person is better able to cope presently than a family?


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Sgt Rock, I tend to agree. However, these days it's seems it's more profitable to go ahead and have kids and rely on the state than it is to plan your kids according to your means!!
When I lost a job a few years ago, as a single person, I lost my entire income and source of paying, rent, bills, food and other living expenses.

If that had happened when I was with my partner, it would have made a big difference as at least there would ahve been some income coming in and I could have targetted jobs better than having to get something urgently, borrowe money etc...
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When people decide to have have children and are in full time employement they dont suddenly think " ooo we shouldnt have children in case we loose our jobs" so why that thought/ reply ?
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I've had my family - they have fled the nest. We did it by working hard and didn't rely on any state benefits (save child allowance which wasn't very much). Now we are nearing retirement (in fact I am retired). Life is difficult and money is scarce, but where is our help!!! (oh, I forgot a heating allowance which might just cover us for a short while!)

My children are single and live alone. They pay rent and council tax, heating bills, clothing etc. out of one salary (and not a high salary), with no benefits whatsoever. I am still having to help out on occasions - in fact we all help each other out when we can.

I'm sorry but when I think of child tax credits I get really heated.
100 durrs!! ;o)
I think help should be there for anyone with financial problems who is struggling. I don't resent help for families, but I do resent the fact that its at the expense of the rest of us who also need help.
We were the same loffie- never been in that situation (thank god ) being unemployed or getting "tax credits " all we ever got was family allowance.
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With 2 kids? lol
A woman who gets child tax credits where I work spends more time outside smoking than in the office.
Bad management then
Have to leave this thread due to blood pressure rising alarmingly !!! ;o)
Don't worry about it. Some focus group or other has reported that peoples perception is that Labour doesn't care about families, so they're seeking to show they do by talking about them alot.
6 months from now it'll be old people, or young people, or single people, or martians or anyone else they think they can get a vote from.
Would you rather a Labour Prime Minister that tries to do something or a Tory one that tells you to get off your ar$e and sort yourself out?

Remember Norman Tebbit.

"My father didn't sit around moaning about being unemployed he got on his bike and looked for work"

Only it's white collar workers this time? isn't it not miners and steel workers? So that's different!
I SO agree. I'm a single person and it is a struggle each day. I get so fed up with all the talk of helping families. What about me? What help do I get? Oh yes, 25% knocked off my council tax, geee thanks! It's disgusting as most of my money goes to the government anyway. I'm sick of all this credit crunch etc. I'm on tender hooks worrying that I'm going to loose my job as how will I pay my mortgage/debts/heating/food etc etc.. Being made redundant with hardly any jobs out there is very worry. The government saw this coming and did nothing! I think I should just push out a child, get a free place to live and everything paid for? Done.
Myself and my partner have no kids - by choice.

Hence we are saving the govt on:

family allowance
tax credits
schooling for 11 years
health costs

etc etc

having kids is a CHOICE, the way some families bleat on you would think that they had their arms twisted into having kids.

brown is a joke , you only have to look at a person who recently had her daughter kidnapped.with 7 kids she gets more out of work than in work.
what is the point of her ever trying to work

what a great coutry we live in when dead legs get more than the people who try to work hard

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