The fact that one or two have expressed the point that we do not know enough of this case to pass judgement, and since the powers that be have stated,
The City of Edinburgh Council said last night that it could not comment on individual cases.
Then isn't it now time they were forced to comment, and then maybe there could be an inquiry into this case?
Regarding the matter of gays, why do some insist that we should all be acceptable and comfortable with them.
There are many present day life styles that I am not comfortable with, and I claim my civil right to be free to make my own decisions.I do not expect religious groups, politicians, persons with a vested interest or anyone else for that matter, to force me to alter my mind.
After all only a few years ago this country wasn't comfortable with homosexuality, that is why they made it unlawful.
Just because they change the law, it doesn't change people's minds. They would love to do this of course, but it is impossible at the moment, thank goodness.