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ghetto poet
Incidently, this name could be offensive to anyone that might have been forced to live in a Jewish ghetto during WW2)
i was on google earth today and think i found the coordinates to AOGs house.
It would seem that these dirty hanwringing leffties such as getto post, are very keen to defend anyone who is not of the white majority, against anything that might in the least offend them, and yet they are not in the least bothered offending white people calling them Nazis, racists etc, etc.
Or is it ok to offend posters on this site that don't agree with their twisted political views. How do they know that those at the receiving end of their snide remarks and sick postings, were not victims of the Nazis?
I have tried to do a google earth search myself but I am afraid it does not pick up individual rocks, from where getto poet must crawl from.