zebra - you're basically saying that the English suck. Idiot.
I am English, I am white and I am proud. Why should I not be? I was born in England, and all my ancestors are white. I am British and proud and I give no apologies. This doesn't mean I dislike other ethnic groups. I am just happy and proud to be me. I am proud of the England football team. I am proud of the Beatles. I am proud of the Yorkshire Pudding and the Sunday Dinner. I am proud of the Coast I visit. I love being English.
If you have a problem with that then kindly explain.
If you're just being awkward to raise a ridiculous 'point' then I can't be bothered with you.
Princess, firstly don't call me an idiot. Did I say I wasn't English? All your ancestors are white.... And? ...they could be from anywhere. (white).
I am mixed race and I could be more English than half of you spouting off on here. It works both ways and believe me, I get it from both sides and it is ultimately BORING from either side.
Zebra - if you bothered to read my post you will see that I didn't call you an idiot because I was my generations were white. I called you an idiot because you said that the English suck. I didn't mention skin colour at this point, you were, as most people, to quick to jump on the racist bandwagon.
As you are mixed race, what are your other origins? Don't you feel a little bad for saying you're British when you have other nationalities in your blood? I know I would. Maybe you should think some more, irrespective of your skin colour.
Princess, please re-read my posts, I didn't say English suck, I didn't mention skin colour and I also didn't say I was just British, what were you reading??????
Firstly, as many people can't grasp, British isn't a race. You can be born of any race and still be British. Probably a bit too hard to explain to most.
I am English/Irish and Zimbabwean, born in England, hence British Nationality.
One thing a lot of people on here do not seem to realise is that there may be very few who are 'pure'.....just because you 'look' white,and anglo-saxon....doesn't mean that you are.
There was a program on several years ago that took a varied group of people-including several celebrities-and tested their DNA to determine their precise ethnic makeup. A very large proportion were found to have not only the expected Northern european blood, but also Oriental and North African. Turkish was also not uncommon. The point of this was that 99% of the English were NOT were they thought they were-ie a pure white race.On that basis,being 'English' may have more to do with culture than ethnicity or race.
''Firstly, as many people can't grasp, British isn't a race. You can be born of any race and still be British. Probably a bit too hard to explain to most.''
Ok, I didn't say White = British.
Secondly, don't you feel a bit bad calling yourself English when you're half Zimbabwean?
I know if I was half something I would be proud to be it, I wouldn't ignore the fact. As it stands, I'm not half anything, I am 100% British, so am proud of that.
Princess, can you actually read, I said I am English, Irish and Zimbabwean, why should I feel bad?? I don't call myself English alone, I have no need too.
What is your problem?
And as you you are 100% British and proud, I too am 100% British. Please read the first paragraph of what you pasted and posted and realise POINT PROVEN!
British and English are two different things! Yes you can be both, I give up you just can't seem to grasp it.
I remember someone on here questioning WHY Black Americans described themselves as such. I needed to explain that it was for the same reason that I describe myself as an Italian-American. Because that is our ethnic makeup,and it is what makes us special and who we are.
pastafreak, i totally agree and personally, i love the mix of things, people and culture, as you have much more in your life if you can experience all aspects of your heritage, which I have been lucky enough to do. Thankfully.
I agree Zebra.....we live in a world where we can no longer put up barriers,and try to make ourselves believe that we are superior in any way. That is the cause of so much pain just in the last 100 years alone.
On that note-I must say goodnight.