I am so sorry that you took my rather tongue in the cheek remark to be offensive against you personally, I can assure you that this was completely unintentional. It was just that I hadn't heard of this before and I was interested to read a report on it.
But being in a rather flippant mood, I thought that this affair was more befitting the Republic of China, although I must admit that I did not take into account that you might have been Chinese, then I suppose this would have caused offence.
So I thought it would be a little funny to suggest that you had pickled up a paper in the Chinese Take-Away. So you see there was not any nastiness intended and I do hope that you will take my exclamation on board and come back to me.
I was suprised that you gave Gromit 3 stars for his regular contumelious behaviour towards me.
Because if you care to look back at previous posts, he regularly jumps in with his pompous demands for links to be posted, in fact in the past he would even criticize the editor for not posting links to question he/she once set.
Gromit if you are reading this, I though after I posted you yesterday you would have altered your ways, but apparently you have not, so I now finally refuse to join you in any further debate.