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damed if you do damed if you dont

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webbo3 | 19:03 Mon 09th Mar 2009 | News
2 Answers
they get compo for an infringement of their human rights if we lock em up now they get compo for being released early.
its a joke.. 5/Prisoners-paid-5m-compensation-loss-free-boa rd-early-release.html




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To quote one of the comments on the article

"If you read the article this is not really news worthy. All that is being said is prisoners that get early release are being given subsistence levels of benefits until they can receive full benefits through normal time and channels. It has nothing to do with compensation for early release if it was, I think that they would receive more than �170.00 for 18 days early release and between �40 / �70 for three weeks rent. "
So if they were released at the right time they wouldn't get any of the money they get for being let out early?

If that were the case then surley the arrangements that would have happened at normal release time should happen for early??

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