us election nonsense in The AnswerBank: News
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us election nonsense

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bobtheduck | 18:31 Wed 03rd Nov 2004 | News
10 Answers
i dont care who wins it dosent affect me or my life its a foreign country and i will carry on as before, i really dont understand the blanket 24 hour tv coverage over two rather strange looking men with funny accents, yaaaawn 
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You're wrong, bobtheduck. America may be a foreign country but it will affect your life. America is the most powerful nation on earth and has a 'Special Relationship' with Britain. America can influence British politics, British economics, British international diplomacy and of course our involvement in wars. The type of President America gets can affect how we run things in Britain. For example, say we wanted to scrap our US bases or nuclear weapons. It would be easier to do that if America had a liberal Democrat president that kept his nose out of our affairs than a right-wing Republican who would interfere.
I would have thought that the election to the most powerful office in the world was of some passing interest to everybody.

I understand that it may change the world but at the end of the day whoever is in office is the president of America not anywhere else so their primary interests are going to lie with America and whatever is good for America.  It would be silly to assume that Kerry would have suddenly become the worlds friend.  He would only do the things he felt he had to do to stay in office, whether it was making relationships or breaking them.


Yes, America is the most powerful nation on the planet but America will always protect itself first. that is why it is in the most powerful nation on the planet.


Anyway, I like Bush, he's punchy.

What the US President does hugely affects other countries.  One example - Bush cut $34 million that used to go toward family planning/contraception in developing countries.  Just cut it, because he doesn't believe in it.  And the people who have to suffer are the women and men in other countries whose lives are affected by not having access to contraception and medical care.
My point exactly.  And why would anyone else be any different?  Saints don't run for president.

I think bobtheduck has a valid point as to the 24 hour coverage - and the archbishop summed it up "of some passing interest to everybody".  I don't think it warrants 24 hour coverage, I'm sure we have enough worthy news here to take its place!


I think bobtheduck has a valid point as to the 24 hour coverage - and the archbishop summed it up "of some passing interest to everybody".  I don't think it warrants 24 hour coverage, I'm sure we have enough worthy news here to take its place!


Didn't mean to repeat myself - makes a change from my post disappearing into the ether!
What do you mean it doesn't affect your life? It probably affects your life more than the choice of primeminister in this country...

maybe ppl where ur from have no life  jkjk

much love, kk


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