She has been described as 'the bravest little girl in the world' once again the usual vast over exaggeration we have come to expect from the media.
Yes it was a pity that she had not got what was neccesary to perform before a large audience. But after all this was the semi final, and I doubt if any other contestant would have been given a second chance.
This was an prime example why this show should never be a mix of childen and adults.
Will this youngster be given a second chance if she fluffs the final or before the Queen even?
tiggerblue may have a point, intentionally or not. What worried me was the way Hollie stamped her feet (metaphorically at least) and cried until she could have her way and a second chance. Very worrying signs that she may well be a right little madam. certainly if her parents' lives revolve around her, she'll already have them wrapped around her pinkies.