Kate Adie who was a witness to the events, was on Breakfast TV (yesterday?) discussing this and she stated that despite several names been mentioned nobody actually knew who he was as he Disappeared almost immediately along with a lot of other protesters. apparently a Canadian TV company despite doing nearly a years research fond nothing mainly due to the government policy of acting as if, despite the international coverage it recieved, the action never occurred, as witnessed by the fact that the chinese equivalent to the Red Cross announced soon after the event that over a 1000 people were dead and the figure was rising, yet now there is no evidence in their records that they were ever involved. Kate also said that in all her experiance she had never seen anything like it when totally unarmed and generally peacefull protesters were machine gunned and shot out of hand, by their own army. So it looks like the man in front of the tank will go down in history as one of the many thousands of nameless people who have died for ther beliefs. God rest his soul,whoever he was he definately had balls of steel