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White supremacist thug planned terror campaign

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Gromit | 16:24 Mon 29th Jun 2009 | News
23 Answers
A white supremacist arrested by chance at a railway station turned out to be "on the cusp" of launching a campaign of terrorism, a court heard today.

Neil Lewington had developed a bomb factory in his bedroom at his parents' home and aimed to target "those he considered non-British", jurors were told.

He had an "unhealthy interest" in the London nail bomber David Copeland, America's Unabomber and Oklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh. /article6603139.ece

He was arrested after abusing a female train conductor after he urinated on a platform at 2pm.

What is the difference between scum like this and al qaeda?


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surprised you need to ask Gromit. Al qaeda are a world wide terrorist operation working to impose sharia law on the planet and this bloke's a lone nutter with some odd ideas who probably J arthurs over Nazi Monthly in his back bedroom.
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Funny how when you look at white 'supremacists'...they don't look supreme to anyone?

My favourite part of the story is this little beauty:

Mr Altman said Mr Lewington left school at 16 without qualifications but had worked in a number of electronics jobs.

He had been unemployed for 10 years after being sacked from his last job for being drunk. He lived with his parents but had not spoken to his father for 10 years. His mother said he had placed Plasticine in the keyhole of his bedroom so no-one could see inside.

That's laugh out loud funny.

But seriously - there's no difference between this person and the 7/7 bombers. They are all right cowards who want to kill and maim indescriminately to support political ideologies.

The key difference between the 7/7 bombers and this ESN person is that he was too dumb to avoid detection (urinating...smoking on public transport?)
One is not supposed to PMSL outside Chatterbank, but R1Geezer has got it so right.

We are living in a country that is so out of its mind that for a doctor to make a Christian prayer for his patients is considered offensive.

This is the best bit

�He had the parts which, if assembled together, would have created devices which if ignited would have caught alight and caused flames and fire


1 candle
1 copy of the daily Mirror
1 box of matches
1 old piece of gum (with fluff on )
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Doctors and nurses should not be praying for anyone. I would be offended if they did this to me. I'm sure you would be offended if one decided to pray to Allah on your behalf.
No Gromit I wouldn't, I would be pleased if anybody would pray for me. I expect that you too would find it difficult to rise from a deathbed to curse those who wished you well.

Have a read about Christ before Pilate.
They are lone nutters Gromit because they are usually alone, ie not organised into a world wide network with a common purpose.
Put it this way if you rubbed a magic lamp and the genie said you can get rid of little Jarthurs building homemade fireworks in their back bedroom or the AlQaeda newtwork, which one would you choose. Even a plonker like you would go for the latter, I hope!
It depends on what sort of difference you are talking about

There is a big difference in the relative risk.

There are issues of degree of organisation and of competance.

If you mean difference from an ethical or moral perspective there is little difference.
Neil Lewington had developed a bomb factory in his bedroom at his parents� home

P M S L! I can bet you he also was a virgin,had problems keeping relationships and a micro p�nis! lol!

He'll be put in protective custody alongside the nonces and the other weirdos unfortunately,i say put him them on a normal wing and let him have his "freedom of speech" with all those "foreign" prisoners whose family and friends he aimed to maim and kill......
Lone nutters are way more dangerous than organised groups.

Groups are now being actively monitored by the police. You think that plod is just sitting around waiting for the next bomb to go off?

No - they are keeping a very close eye on these groups, building up intelligence on associations and allegiances.

It's the loners who are more difficult to spot.

You're never going to know when the next Copeland is going to surface.

When a pregnant woman and her unborn child die, whether the nailbomb was planted by a white supremacist or a Muslim fundamentalist becomes a bit irrelevant...they're still dead.
Is it just me, or does he look like he could be Jo Brand's kid brother?
LOL@ sp1814! So true,but ill go one further and say thats probably jo brands cross dressing inbred Mother,who's also her Brother! LOL!

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You can see why he dates on the internet.
I'm not sure the numbers support your view SP

Unabomber fatalities:3
Timothy McVeigh:168

IRA 1800
AlQaeda 3,000 in 911 alone
What's the difference between him and Al Qaeda?
Al Oaeda operatives don't still live with their Mums.
Thats because if they did someone would "sound the HALAARM!' LOL!
What's the difference between him and Al qaeeda?

He does not get funding from CIA.
Its a shame to see Chris Moyles being involved in far-right activity.

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White supremacist thug planned terror campaign

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