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What a wonderful sight to see: Whale

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Nosha123 | 18:00 Tue 30th Jun 2009 | News
10 Answers 8126237.stm

How lovely to see this majestic creature go about his business and the Aussies protecting him from being hounded.

lets hope the Japs stop whaling too eh - totally unnecessary!


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Good for the Australians. I don't see, in practice, how they can enforce this protection, but give them points for trying. What is it with the Japanese and whales anyway?
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more like.. what is it with japanese and anything that moves.... strange diet!
I'd love to harpoon a few of the Japanese fishermen!
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yeah - then haul them on board your boat by the harpoon... it sickens me to see those beautiful whales butchered alive...

Who gave them the right to kill them and to do that!
Sharks too - cutting off their fins and chucking them back in to drown.

oh grrr dont get me started parraffin!!!
smacks of racism to me, they're only protecting the white ones!
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no R1 - the white one would be sliced up in a jiffy if they could get close enough!!!! m

The outgoing chair of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) has suggested whale conservation could benefit from ending the commercial hunting ban.

Dr William Hogarth's remarks came at the end of this year's IWC meeting, which saw pro- and anti-whaling nations agree to further compromise talks.
Wow! What a beautiful creature Nosha. I hope it stays where it is protected. Trouble is these creatures travel extreme distances so you never know where its going to end up.
Peacocks are beautiful
Siamese cats are beautiful
Pumas are beautiful
Birds of Paradise are beautiful

Whales are patently not beautiful.

They are the Beth Ditto of the animal kingdom.

(Still don't agree with them being hunted though).
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They may not be beautiful in your eyes.. since beauty is in the eye of the beholder and some people think tarantulas are beautiful!
they are however;
an amazing sight to see

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