Pedantically, I'd give the venerable Booldawg the benefit of the doubt in choosing repartie since: "...rep�ar�tee (rpr-t, -t, -�r-)
1. A swift, witty reply.
2. Conversation marked by the exchange of witty retorts.
[French repartie, from feminine past participle of repartir, to retort, from Old French, to retort, to depart again : re-, re- + partir, to depart (from Latin partre, to divide, from pars, part-, part; see per-2 in Indo-European roots).]
It would appear he/she has imported la Francaise, no?
Additionally, in two sentences within the above deconstruction of Mr. Dawg's response, a semi-colon, at least is demanded and, finally, no comma is allowed following "... there always has been, but..." since the word but is, in and of itself, a conjunction... again, pedantically, don't you see?
Si hoc legere scis, nimium eruditionis habes