I completely agree with Naomi's posts, he was misunderstood, not a proper grown-up at times, which obviously led him to do things, such as 'sharing his bed' which a normal-thinking adult wouldn't consider. This doesn't mean he abused anyone though, he appears to have had the mind of a child at times, so in fact, if anything he was more harmless than many adults. No one can be sure of what he hasn't or has done, but we do know that he had a really hard life/childhood so it's hardly surprising he didn't turn out to be a 'normal' adult.
Controversial or not, I can't help but like him/pity him/be completely confused by him.
I also agree with whoever said that about the parents of the allegedly abused boy, if they took a payout then they're half as bad as paedophiles themselves if they WERE so convinced of MJ's supposed danger to other children. Sick.