ok so you found another source of stats. They say at the end that they cannot predict what will happen either so hardly conclusive is it. You carry on with the Chamberlain initiative vic, I hope it works, I hope I'm wrong!
Stats are great, aren't they R1 - after all, statistically speaking, 9 out of 10 people like gang rape :-0
But in all seriousness, no you can't predict what the future holds - but what you can do is give educated guesses based on certain assumptions. The BBC does that and sites sources.
The video which you originally linked to, gives statistics for which it gives no sources, quotes guesses as facts and also quotes people inaccurately.
oneye.....facts, opinions and "gut feelings" all need taking into consideration and what I am saying is that I could have guessed the results of the Islamic demography in the UK.