I work in a library and we have childrens events throughout the the year. All children attending must have a consent form signed allowing our photographer to take photos for our website amd/or local press. Any child not bringing a signed form is not allowed to take part - but the photographer almost never turns up. So we are effectively stopping children from joining in and enjoying events for the sake of red tape and pc nonsense. The kids who don't get their forms signed tend to be the ones from pretty unstable backgrounds - parents with drug/alcohol problems, who are too interested in seeing themselves alright than doing anything for their kids, and these children are at far more risk from their chaotic homelife than by photos of them doing arts and crafts on a local authority website. They are also the kids who would benefit the most from joining in some simple activities and getting a little attention as they tend to be neglected from one end of the holidays to the other. But they are the kids who are excluded because their parents didn't supply the right paperwork. How is this helping or protecting them?