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MP's Expenses - Again

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Dodger666 | 10:40 Sat 07th Nov 2009 | News
3 Answers
So, Sir Ian Kennedy believes he hasn't got to implement Sir Christopher Kelly's report recommendations in their entirety. This is despite both Gordon Brown and David Cameron agreeing with the Kelly report recommendations.

If this is the case he should be sacked immediatley by Gordon Brown and replaced by someone who will. Perhaps when he realises that would mean the end to his £100k salary he may have a quick change of mind.


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The MPs circus seems endless. Its like peeling an onion where the removal of one layer shows another beneath.

"He was picked for the £100,000 a year job by a Government-appointed panel, whose decision was then approved by John Bercow, the Commons Speaker, and a committe of senior MPs"

So its the same discredited MPs who get him the job. I thought the whole reason was to take the decision making away from MP's but they raise their ugly heads again.

It was the reason Jacquie Smith got off so lightly because a committee of MPs got her off the hook. Now this!
Expenses, I just cannot wait for the General Election. Then we, the people , can have a long memory and stuff anyone who was found out.

Lets have some new blood in the 'House' even if it is for the same party you always vote for.
rov.....LOL....what a joke eh?

Paul...."new blood"......they would become tarnished in the time of the New Parliament.

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MP's Expenses - Again

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