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Who do you think is right?

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ummmm | 20:41 Mon 09th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
80 Answers
We ordered an Indian tonight.

Ginger gets a phone call from his Mum and a couple of minutes later the Indian turns up. My son answered the door and comes in to ask Ginger for the money.

He turns round and says 'can't you see I'm on the phone'

I say...'Maybe, but there's a man at the door waiting to be paid'

He then says to his Mum 'hold on I'm being nagged here' and throws his wallet at us. Not in a nice way either.

So, what is ruder...ordering food from someone and making them wait on the doorstep in the cold? Or saying to your Mum..can you hold on a sec I just need to get some money out of my wallet?


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Ginger sounds like a bit of an elbow TBH!
You're lucky it was a wallet, & not a hobbing foot ummm!:-) Have you lost the use of your legs!!!:-)
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Ginger is my BF. I think you have the intelligence to figure out the rest......gosh!!
It was bang out of order, throwing something at anyone in an aggressive way is assault, but it sounds well out of character is everyhting ok? what was his mum talking to him about?
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No he had the money and his wallet was in his pocket.
it is rude to leave someone waiting while you are on a personal call (as opposed to a business call) - I agree ummmm I would put him in his place
"we ordered" but "he pays"??

blimey, lucky you!
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It is out of character. His Mum (who has his niece and 3 nephews full time) is in Ireland. The kids mother didn't come to pick up the youngest son so he was just telling her that we have him here.
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Sara...Whoever has money on them pays.
letting the food go cold......mum's can wait! He obviously misses her - send him home!
sorry ummmm that last explanation about the kids sounded abut Irish lol His Mum had perhaps given him an earbashing over something you know.
Well, if Ginger is the one paying then he knew the food was on the way and have got the money prepared, he should have asked his mum to hold on a few minutes.
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She would never give him an ear bashing. She just asked him to check on the kids and she phones him to make sure everything's ok.
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My son just come upstairs to ask why Gingers being such an That says a lot as he wouldn't hesitate to tell me I'm being an idiot.
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It could be withdrawal symptoms no,know ..!!

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