ChatterBank1 min ago
4 Answers
I hope I don't sound stupid or desperate, but I was looking for some parents to take me in under there wing.I never had parents and I kinda was wondering what it was like to have someone who cares for me and to have accountability.BTW I'm not nuts a 24 year collage student hoping to become a teacher soon! I guess my question is where do I find parents?
Are you serious, Tiffani?.... ............ and i'm sorry as i dont mean to be rude in asking this.
18:38 Thu 19th Nov 2009
Sadly Tiffani I think it's a little late to try and roll back the clock because parents bring up childen from a young age with a nurturing, educational and discriplinary role which evolves and changes as they grow up, and at 24 I suspect you would be unable to accept a childlike role being educated and disciplined ! (Daffy is right. Your spelling does need improvement if you're to become a teacher. I wonder how you would react if you could find some adoptive parents now and they sat you down and got you doing spelling tests?). But I think we understand what your basic need is. i.e. for somebody to nurture and support you emotionally so that you feel you belong to somebody. What you possibly need is a couple of Mentors - adults who fulfil a different function but who will be there to guide and help you through your adult life as you move forward. I don't know how to suggest you find such caring adults but they will be out there somewhere if you search hard enough. Do you know any retired teachers who might be able to help you in this way? Any old school teachers perhaps? Age Concern and other charities supporting older people often offer a befriending scheme whereby you visit an elderly person living alone on a regular basis for a cup of tea and a chat. You would have to undergo police vetting before being accepted, but some kind of voluntary activity like this might help to fill part of the basic emotional need which you currently feel lacking in your life. The nice thing about some of these kinds of friendship is that they work both ways with both parties getting a real benefit.