Yes, kinell, you reducing your driving habits by that amount, along with me changing my light bulbs for inefficient unsuitable ones that make some people ill will certainly do the trick.
Of course, this latest incident is nothing to do with the natural (albeit extreme) variations in the weather which the UK experiences from time to time. It is a direct result of you driving your five miles and me using my planet-destroying tungsten bulbs. And of course, we shall be told, we can expect much more of the same if we do not mend our ways.
Strangely this was not mentioned to the inhabitants of The Fens in 1947, or of Lynmouth in 1952, or of the East Coast in 1953, or of Llandovery in 1979 when they suffered similar devastating events. But, of course that was before “Global Warming” or “Climate Change” (which was born out of Global Warming when it was realised that temperatures were not actually increasing) had been invented.