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Truly bonkers.

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NoMercy | 12:29 Sat 16th Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
Do you know someone who is as mad as a bucket of frogs? I mean completely and utterly bonkers !

I know and English expat who is not the full ticket. We were in a bar having lunch, and someone complained that their Vienetta-type dessert was frozen solid in the middle, and that they would need a chainsaw to cut through it. Yep, Neil went out to his van and fetched his chainsaw (honestly, I'm not kidding). The horrified looks the Spaniards were wearing was truly unforgettable.


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I have a friend who is completely nuts. She has to be the centre of attention but not in an annoying way (mostly) she is impossible to describe.
I tend to fit into that category NM, you see only the "sensible side" to me on
My mum knows someone who used to be her neighbour about 14 years ago. He sent us a christmas card this year. Our house has a name, for example lets call it Bagshaw house. Well the card was addressed to "The bagshaw bunnies" and inside was an essay to an old (dead) MP regarding some activist rights etc. If that isn't weird I don't know what is.

Ginger got arrested for levitating. Seriously, that is what the police put on his arrest sheet.
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Sounds like you should give him a wide berth, dizzy. :-/
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lol Ummmm. How exactly was he "levitating"?
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yes, ummm, but was he levitating toward at the
A mad man with a chainsaw, now that's scary, NoM; it is a teensy bit amusing though.

I was attacked on two different occasions by two different mad men. Both times they attacked me from the back... they came up and started beating me. I was terrifies to say the least
Apparently he couldn't stand up and he couldn't sit down. He was arrested in the airport. He missed the holiday :-)
OMG society, there's mad and mad pet, that's shocking !
Arhhh Bless...ummm, that's sooo funny
I was once dropped to the ground at Rotherham bus interchange :(
I was walking around wearing a "James Pond - Live and let fry" T-shirt on, minding my own business. The next minute SWAT team has me on the floor with guns and all sorts :/
They thought I was carrying a gun - bloody police threw all my money all over the floor :(
I also have a friend who is a complete fantasist. If a man even looks at her she thinks he's fallen in love with her and starts to plan the wedding...completely nuts.
I still have the stop/search copy if anyone doesn't believe me or simple just wants to have a laugh - I can scan it in...
I don't do anything mad at...errrm airports and funerals and stuff, just among my
why did they do this diz???
I remember you saying that before, Ummmmm. I find it quite funny that the police said Ginger was levitating. lol Now such a charge is definitely worth challenging! I can just imagine the police explaining that in court. lol
Me, I`ve just bet £20 on Stoke to beat Liverpool
He didn't get charged with it. Just arrested for it. I think more to make sure he didn't try and get on the flight. His own fault....shouldn't get so

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