I note that Ms Sturgeon suggests that it was her duty to make representations to the court on behalf of her convicted constituent.
I don’t know where she gets the idea from that she has to represent a constituent’s interests in a criminal court. I think that is what his (Legal Aid funded) representative is for.
I think she has shown a singular lack of judgement in this issue. It is not the job of politicians to try to influence a court in a matter of sentencing. In fact, it’s one thing they should specifically steer clear of as the judiciary is supposed to be independent of political influence in the UK. The court will be given all the salient facts, including the defendant’s medical problems, and it will be for the court to decide on an appropriate sentence armed with that information.
Still, looking at the nature of the offence, and the conduct of some politicians in a similar area, I suppose she might think “There but for the Grace of God”!