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modeller | 22:51 Wed 17th Feb 2010 | News
6 Answers
Why would any cleric choose to join a paedophile riddled organisation?


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Given the size of the NHS, there are statistically likely to be a few paedophiles there. So why do people work for the NHS? The usual reasons: they like the job, they need money, they have a family to support and so on.

I don't know which organisation you're talking about, but much the same answer applies.
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I am referring to C of E who are leaving the Anglican church because they object to women bishops.
I imagine they find the Catholic church's beliefs tally with their own.
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What puzzles me is why anyone would want to join an organisation accused of such criminality. . This is not something exclusive to Ireland such cases have been reported from all over the world. Surely if you are in disagreement with your own organisation there must be other alternatives. Unless as jno suggests it tallies with your own beliefs.
Surely not ?
the organisation is not criminal, though people in it may be. That's why I suggested the similarity to the NHS.

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