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Voters denied the vote

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zita-green | 00:51 Fri 07th May 2010 | News
28 Answers
Polling stations were closed whilst voters were still queuing to cast their votes in Warrington, Chester, Lewisham, Sheffield amd others. Does this mean that the result will be open to a legal challenge?


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It was mentioned on the BBC.

It depends how close the result is in those constituencies. If it is a matter of a fcouple of hundred votes separating first and second, and the polling stations closed with large queues outside, then a legal challenge could take place, and a re-run would need to take place.
It just goes to show that nothing works under Labour!!!!
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Thanks, Moriarty & Gromit. Thought I was the only one who was still awake.
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Don't be such a t@rt, trt. Returning officers are independent.

Places where there have been problems like Chester are Conservative controlled, and they are responsible for not enough staff being deployed.

A foretaste of what we can expect under the Tories.
Maybe they are independent zita-green, but still they are under the labour t@rts until tomorrow.
And as I type, the Tories have won Putney, come on the blues.
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I would really like to know why you voted tory, trt.
They may well try a legal challenge but it will be pretty pointless.

Polls are open from 7am until 10pm. If you get a surge of people turning up at 9.30pm, you cannot suddenly keep the doors open until they have finished.

Party politics aside, people should be organised enough to vote within the 15 hours. Most reports said that it would be a massive turnout.

Chances are there will be another election in the Autumn anyway
"Polls are open from 7am until 10pm. If you get a surge of people turning up at 9.30pm, you cannot suddenly keep the doors open until they have finished. "

This. You can't just swarm to the polling station half an hour before it closes. It's not like they're open a short time - they're open for quite a long time.
Oneeyedvic they want people to vote, i went at approx 5pm and they had a carousel where 4 people could vote.

years ago there would at least 10 booths

the people going in after i voted would have to queue to make a private vote .
in fact there was a queue at the table for voting slips when i was going out
think i heard that they ran out of voting slips--somewhere in liverpool
Dr Filth - would you like 10 booths? 20? 50?

Would you like 10 booths in every single polling station in every single constituency

In my (small) constituency there are 46 polling stations. Multiply that by 650 to get 30,000 polling stations.

Should all of those have had more staff, more booths etc? Should they hire more booths or hire them? Should they be employing temporary staff? How much time should be spent interviewing the staff?

There are around 44 million voters and turnout was probably around 70%. So about 30 million people actually managed to vote.

We are talking about a few hundred who turned up too late, queued and couldn't get to cast their vote.
Oneeyedvic i have been voting for a number of years and i have never seen one of these carousels .

is this the new way forward.

sometimes the old way is better than the new
Lazy sods should have gone and voted earlier.

The people on the News, whingeing about being denied their democratic rights, were not people who had come home late from work.

They were people who couldn't be bothered to get up off their butts earlier in the day.

They were probably in the pub, or the betting shop.
"Polls close at 10.00pm, after this time you vote won't be counted but you may still be charged". Sound familiar?
15 hours to vote. End of story.
All this hoohaa is just another example of the way our society has turned into "me, me me, want want want", and to h*ll with the rules and regulations that have existed for years.
morning jayne

I went down at 7.00am.

Nobody turned me away !

If you go late, and it's busy ... you might miss out. End of ... !

Are these people thick? (erm ... yes, actually)
JJ complaining about peeps in the pub/bookies

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Voters denied the vote

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