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Thoughts of an ExPat

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Sqad | 06:27 Fri 07th May 2010 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
Who would have thought ( docspock excepted) that at 7.20 BST May 7th 2010 that Gordon Brown would still be Prime Minister of UK.

Remember the " huffing" and "puffing" of AB members about M.P'S expenses scandals, the long threads of News and CB contributors, castigating the "crooks"...........what has happened.......apart from a couple of notable exceptions and resignations, they "the crooks" have been re-elected.

Remember the outcry of myrth and condemnation from this side of the Atlantic over the Miami voting system in the Dole/Bush couldn't happen here. Well we have seen scenes of voters in major UK cities being locked out of the Polling booths unable to cast their votes.

Just some thoughts.


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I think a lot of people thought "Better the devil you know...." ?
I wouldn't vote conservative if they were the only party available to vote for!
Well I for one did not vote that shower of money grabbing crooked bar stewards back in! (or ever come to think of it) However, what was the alternative? David Cameron ? Fluff that!
The Monster Raving Johnny Party unfortunately only got 3 votes. The country does not know what it is missing..... ;-)
They are still crooks who hopefully will try to cling on and end up looking undemocratic as well as being corrupt.
And of course none of the Conservative MPs were caught up in the expenses scandal....oh my mistake, of course they were!
As were a large number of Labour MP's, Daffy.....

Everybody quotes the Duck house - in fact the expenses admin turned that claim down, unlike porno films - oops Jacquie!
squad last week or the week before i said brown would still be there.

and i hate brown.....
I'm well aware of that androcles, i'm just amazed that many Conservative supporters seem to have their heads buried in the sand over the honesty of the tory MPs in this matter.
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Dr did indeed.

daffy...I said "M.P's expenses"....I didn't confine my comments to one particular party.
I didn;t actually vote for him.... but am I alone on here in actually liking Gordon Brown (the man, not necessarily the Prime Minister)....?
sallabananas even though i hate him he is better than the others

who would vote for a party which wants to bring back fox hunting ?
I think its a mix of "better the devil you know" and the votes of a group of people who think its 1984 still.
Yay the Conservative chap, Julian, won in our ward.................Labour came 3rd.
labour got in where I live, mind you the labour holds are all in deprived areas where 99% of people are on benefits
It's officially a Hung Parliament Squad for better or worse. Jogger Jayne has even got a Green Party MP in Brighton for the first time ever.
I think it will be a Coalition Govt between Brown and Clegg even though the Tories have the largest number of seats.
Drown your sorrows Squad, go on the p i s s !
Question Author do you know that I am a Tory?
Mmm... good question. I don't necessarily think you are.... ?
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salla LOL I love you.
It's too depressing to find the country no further forward but stuck in labour's rut.

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