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Ray Alan dies

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bibblebub | 13:29 Mon 24th May 2010 | News
13 Answers

He used to be a staple part of tv back in the 70s and was a master ventriloquist.

Are there any vents these days? You very rarely see any on the box.


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Wonder what Lord Charles will do now ?

This is the one I like now, but it's sad about Ray Alan.......
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probably be glad not to have someone's hand up his backside
Job opportunity for Barrymore?
Elvis - first thing to make me laugh in days !!
Barrymore would enjoy sitting on someones knee ELVIS ! LOL
And OMG biblebub - your avatar is not good for migraines
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redman41 - that video is vg, haven't come across him before (not that I've been searching for vent acts).

And pericat I've changed my avatar a few times in the last 24hrs so not sure which one you mean; it's currently Stimpy.
I can see some guy who looks as if he has a very bad thyroid condition?
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oh that one, someone said it was really horrible and in a moment of weakness I bowed to their sensitivities.
He was better on the radio.
I really didn't like ventriloquist dummies if they were human type, Should never have seen a film I think it was called Magic I know anthony Hopkins was in it many moons ago

I liked Scorch the Dragon though but can't remeber who did him
Have a look at the link on my thread above rowan to see if you like that !

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Ray Alan dies

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