UK Soft Benefit System in The AnswerBank: News
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UK Soft Benefit System

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modeller | 11:03 Thu 08th Jul 2010 | News
18 Answers
Every week we hear different excuses from African asylum seekers as to why they come to the UK depite the fact we are the furthest country away from Africa.

Just leave aside for the moment any humanitarian arguments and ask ourselves the simple question

If we refused to give them any benefits at all would they still come ?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Of course not. They would find the nearest safe country instead of trekking half way round the world.
Where I work we were funded to do a specific piece of work with refugee women.
The women involved told us that they would have preferred to stay in Holland, but England pays them more.

Enough said?
Then why don't they settle nearer to home, or in one of the many countries they travel through en route to our 'pot of gold at the end of the rainbow' country?
Don't think many would come to UK though I'm just thinking about the vast "benefits" UK has taken out of Africa.
Well they dont come for the weather
There are other countries that would give them benefits (Sweden I suspect is one). My experience of people around the world is that when I speak about Britain they have a consistently positive image of what a wonderful place and people we are - and i don't mean generous benefits - these are people who already have simple but comfortable lives.
They have very little concept of what Holland or Italy would be like and little interest in going there.

So one of the factors seems to be the splendid image and reputation we have engendered over the years.
This is probably why a lot of them come here.

As that is only a sample of one then it probably isn't 'why a lot of them come here'.
what beats me is that the ABers who claim Britain's streets are paved with gold are the same ones who claim that we're perpetually impoverished (thanks to noolabour incompetence) and going to hell in a handcart.
Oh lets see

you are going to be stoned to death for being Gay if you stay in your country - we can't give you any money just safe haven

Oh heck I'll just stay and be executed then!
Not as many but they think the way of life here is better than what they've left behind.
jtp ^

"you are going to be stoned to death for being Gay if you stay in your country"

Leave and settle in the nearest country which does accept gays then.......instead of travelling half way across the world to be a burden on our country
I see Joe

and If the socialists won power in the UK and you had to flee

You'd just nip over to Calais would you rather than trek all the way to the US?
And what great benefits(no pun) will our country glean by allowing these multitudes onto our small(dwindling) island?
Or is the native population of no account when it comes to admitting untold economic migrants into our midst?
jtp.....and if we were invaded by martians........

and other hypothetically stupid non-comparisons
Its all part of Brown's redistribution. He has been out of office for ages but he's still collecting his MPs salary. No clocking on for him, just make the occasional 5 minute trip into the house and show his face.

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