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what a load of Bo11ox! Works Experience!

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Bobbisox | 12:58 Wed 21st Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Esther Ranzen is on Loose Women pontificating how good this is and how her son did it and is now breaking into TV, Nooooooooo!
How many youngster have you heard of who have gone into this and have then been shown the door by greedy employers who get another one when the year is up?
Some are lucky and move with the company but I am afraid her son getting into TV, could be a little bit of nepotism


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This is a classic case of 'It's not what you know, it's who you know.'
work experience for a year??
work experience when i was a kid was a week.
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made me a bit sick salla, how many kids think "I like this job" then out they go, I feel sorry for them
And I didn't have to do got the week off :-)
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She was talking a lot longer that that red, and I doubt he would have gone into TV after a week, even with ther influence
Where I used to work we did this for cheap labour basically. If they were good and we could we would take them on full time afterwards. But in general it is an easy cheap way to get staff in who get none of the benefits. Saying that if I could afford to take part I would because finding a job you want these days is hard.
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I absolutely agree Greedfly, but the kids this happens too aren't as fortunate as ER and her late hubby Desmond Wilcox's offspring
was she talking about apprentices rather than work experience then?
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no, the term she used was work experience...maybe a slip on her part red, as I agree, it was always a week when you were at school, anyway, she's a strong advocate of it!
work experience is just that, experience. And in my eyes any experience put on a CV helps
Joy -did she not say that he had just finished a 5yr degree and was about to start another one as he was becoming a Doctor?

Think she also said that her daughter -who's illness was well documented was starting a degree at the age of 30.

I had it on pause so i'll see if I can rewind-I may be wrong.

I know one daughter is on This Morning doing much the same as her but im sorry if I could get my daughter a good job by foul means or fair I would as its a nightmare out there for youngsters and older people than her as well.

I'll come back and correct myself and apologise once ive had another look.....
Experience is worth a lot I agree. But experience does not pay your bills!
haha -thats what I get my Sky + has just frozen on me whilst rewinding.Back to the drawing board -cant even get out the bleeding thing aarrgghh !!!!!
We took on a graduate recently

Talked to dozens - decided on this one because he'd had experince working in the business and therefore knew about what was going on.

Not necessarilly the case if it's pretty unskilled work but there are a lot of people out of University looking for their first job and without that work experience one CV looks a lot like another
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Hya Dris, she was on about one of her sons I thing the one was going into medicine to be a doctor, the 'middle' one she referred to was the one she said " work experience"
perhaps I should change her words to what was a YTS scheme?
a bit of a play on the word

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what a load of Bo11ox! Works Experience!

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