I have travelled fairly extensively and the level of xenophobia in America is without precedence anywhere!
There is a breathtaking level of innocence in what people believe, 3 things spring instantly to be befuddled mind.
In the Smithsonian Museum, worth a visit to DC in themselves, the space section had no mention of...........Yuri Gagarin. John Glenn started space travel.
In 1992, listening to a report from the Barcelona Olympics, we had 5 minutes eulogising the American 100m runner who won the Silver. At the end, in a muttered, rushed statement, came and the gold was won by Britain's Linford Christie"
Watching a military display on the Ellipse in DC, called a Tattoo, the commentator proclaimed "the world's finest drill team ", as a group in scruffy uniforms tried to look smart marching and throwing bayonets around, unseccessfully, on grass. The crowd went orgasmic with national fervour. The then well known phrase, "they're good but not that good" sprung to mind.
Love the country, off again in September, not at all anti-American