I don’t know if you are aware that the educators and the rule-makers within the Muslim world are men. Women are allowed to teach children only, so what are you actually supporting? Are you sure you know? Well, whatever you think it is, you are certainly doing nothing whatsoever to encourage the liberation, the education, or the integration of these ladies. I want them to integrate into their new lives and to be free to take advantage of their new opportunities, but what hope do they have with men like you helping their backward, bullying, controlling men, to continue to subjugate them? Rather than give free rein to the women who are politically motivated - and some of them are - which is what you are in fact promoting, I’ll champion what the whole of the civilised world should be championing - the voiceless, helpless, underdog.
Perhaps if the law-makers lose this potential test case you talk about, Gromit, France should decree that the husbands/fathers of all burqa/niqab wearing women must also wear them. Now there’s an interesting idea! THEN you’ll see Mr al Zawahiri protesting!!
Everton, why 'Prisoners of Conscience'? There is nothing whatsoever within Islam that dictates that women must be covered from head to toe, so where does 'conscience' come into it - or prisoners for that matter? You're the only person I've ever seen on here who talks about imprisoning these women. I think the penalty for breaking the law is actually a fine.