For anyone who missed the original thread - voila:
AOG - your definition of racism is inconsistent.
In this thread:
You pulled up Gromit for being 'ageist'. Your reasoning for it was that he "specifically singled out older drivers" in saying that they should be made to take eye tests. Your logic here appears to have been that Gromit assumed that all older drivers' eyesight will deteriorate, while not taking account of other drivers with poor eyesight. His opinion is therefore slanted by a preconception against older drivers - 'tarring them all with the same brush', as the saying goes.
You, however, do exactly the same thing with regards to ethnic groups. Based purely on your postings on here, you seem incapable of distinguishing between individuals in ethnic groups - between violent minorities and passive majorities, for instance, among blacks or immigrant communities or among Muslims*
If the logic you used above applies to 'ageism', then it should also apply to racism - and you meet it quite easily.
*I realise this isn't actually race issue thanks to youngmafbog's correction, but AOG's thinking on it seems very similar and I can't be bothered to differentiate it.