Here is a list of the relevant census questions:
3. There were three Census questions in 2001 on the topic of ethnicity and religion.
Country of birth. This question asked "What is your country of birth?" with tick box options of: England; Wales; Scotland; Northern Ireland; Republic of Ireland and Elsewhere, please write in the present name of the country.
Ethnic Group. This question was similar to the one asked in 1991, but with changes in some categories. In particular, people could tick "mixed" for the first time. It asked "What is your ethnic group? Chose ONE section from A to E, then tick the appropriate box to indicate your cultural background.
A White. Tick box options of: British; Irish or Any other White background (please write in).
B Mixed. Tick box options of: White and Black Caribbean; White and Black African; White and Asian or any other Mixed background (please write in).
C Asian or Asian British. Tick box options of: Indian; Pakistani; Bangladeshi; Any other Asian background (please write in).
D Black or Black British. Tick box options of: Caribbean; African; Any other Black background (please write in).
E Chinese or other ethnic group. Tick box options of: Chinese; Any other (please write in).
Religion. This question was new in 2001 and was voluntary. It asked "What is your religion" with tick box options of: None; Christian; Buddhist; Hindu; Jewish; Muslim; Sikh; Any other religion, please write in.