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Ban earphones while cycling?

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anotheoldgit | 17:29 Sat 04th Sep 2010 | News
24 Answers

In light of this tragic accident, isn't it now time for the banning of these headsets while cycling?

Not only cyclists but perhaps pedestrians also?


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yup, also cycling when using a mobile phone.
Yes, and maybe deaf people should be banned from cycling too ?
And ban loud music played in cars. How can the driver hear horns and sirens?
I get a lot of pleasure from sounding my horn when I see a pedestrian engrossed in texting.
Well, I did it once but am often tempted to do it again.
my friends sister was run over and killed whilst jogging with headphones on.
I think that when deaf people cycle they are more aware of the danger and look around them...morons with MP3s just go along in a little world of their own...and yes I would ban loud music in cars too.
Plenty of motorists get away with dangerously calling or texting on mobiles while driving so why just single out cyclists who do it?
I use me ipod when walking the dog and it's shocking how easily distracted you are from traffic noise, I nearly got run over. Now I only switch it on when I'm in the park or the field as I don't trust myself.
I can't understand people's need to have music constantly plugged in their ears - yes, I would ban it. People miss so much of everyday life by shutting themselves off with their earphones.
The first funeral I even went to was a 14 year old friend who was killed after being hit by a bus while cycling with his headphones on.
because its already illegal for car drivers joe, no one is being singled out...
I would like to ban people from banning things
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Perhaps instead of banning things we could legislate common sense.....Right!
Should we also ban electrics cars that don't make a noise?

I agree with Birdie - you cannot (or rather should not) try to legislate for every eventuality.

I should add that I cycle a fair bit and use earphones - but on a low volume.
I agree with the above. Why are we so eager to ban things? A ban is in itself a much bigger logistical undertaking than you seem to think it is - Parliament doesn't just wave it's wand and then something is banned. You've got to enforce it and make sure it's enforced at all the relevant levels.

Sure, it's tragic, but chucking another ban on the pile is unnecessary.
I have nearly run into a few pedestrians with earphones on who just casually step out into the road because they dont look. I think when they have earphones on they are in a world of their own, which could also make them an easy target for attackers. Ive seen lots of cyclist not holding onto handlebars and texting away or on their phone and I think it should be banned just the same as a motorist. I was nearly knocked down by a motorist on his mobile. When I recovered myself I just banged on his bonnet and uttered a few words and he got out and had a go at me !!! If I hadnt had to be somewhere else soon I would have stayed in front of his car until a parking warden came to see what the problem was. That would have served him right.
I got knocked over by someone on a mobile. On a pedestrian crossing..!!
Woofgang......I know it's illegal to use a mobile while driving, the point I was trying to make was that the law hasn't made that much difference and we still see plenty of drivers flaunting it
My sons 14 year old school friend was also killed whilst cycling with his headphones on. Yes it is very tragic, but people just won't learn. Look how many people still use their mobile phones even though that is now banned.

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