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Today, I shall mostly be hating...........

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johntheplamf | 20:29 Thu 21st Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
Although I'm turning into a grumpy old git, certain things seem to get on my goat more than others, but my current disdain is for Cheryl Cole, she's just a talentless git who gives people with more talent than her advice on how to sing, how does that work?

Sooooooooo, whodya hate?(or what of course)


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Bloody hell, you still talk too much ;-)
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Lol I've been saving them up for 3 looooooooooooooooooooong years :)
Louis Walsh now that's someone with not a lot of talent or charisma
i hate the huns and scumdee
Well I'm lost steg :o(
steg, you cant say that !
Ahh though john, she is bloody good to look at! :-)

Therefore it is all ok!
follow the light mazie, follow the liiiggghhhtttt
and I'm moving up there next year so I better learn the mither tongue
i can anne, and did lol
well I've learnt a new word
Gobby Gordon Ramsey, he always looks if he has ants in his pants when he is talking and what really gives me the hump, is when he keeps smacking his hands together, stupid big headed twit..
I hate that cher and her bad rappin'

bring on big band week, let her try and rap through a jazz song!
yeah I dont like him either trt, he is up his own bum
There are more people on TV that I don't like than those that I do like, these are who In like, the rest I don't like:

Mark Harmon
David Boreanez
Simon Baker
Micahel Weatherley
errrrrrrrrrrrr I've run out of likes lol
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I also hate Dole Bludgers, I mean why do we have to work all the hours that god sends to make ends meet whereas there's this lot who sail through life without a care in the world, they can go abroad every year and afford all life's luxuries.
Oh, and steg for hating huns :P
I actually agree with johntheplamf. Cheryl Cole is a very pretty lady but she really gets on my wick. She's made millions from not being able to sing, she only got where she is by winning a talent show and yet she pontificates about talent show wanabees who are only doing what she did. She married a footballer who couldn't keep it in his trousers and gets loads of sympathy when it's happening to ordinary women every day who have not the advantage of the press wanting their stories for thousands.
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That was circa 1983, gone downhill since I'm afraid.
That's a pretty lady in that picture, Puss.

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