Do'h, your right it was Reagan (I feel like a bit of a fool now). Dunno why I was thinking of Bush (Freud would have a field day lol)
A lot of pressure was applied by the US Government to negotiate, but the White House and US Military was very pro-UK. Whether that was because of the Cold War and the need to have us supporting the Americans, or the close friendship between REAGAN (not Bush!) and Thatcher is something the historians will ponder.
However, were we right to go to war in 1981? Yes, undoubtedly
Would Argentina try it on again? I dunno, possibly if their nation goes further down the khazi (but I can't see it happening)
Would they suceed? Not a chance. In 1981 there was a single platoon of Royal Marines based on the island, along with an antiquated patrol vessel, and occasional visits by larger vessels. Now we have thousands of UK troops down there with a highly sophisticated air defence network, fighters on alert at all times, and the islanders also have a (very well trained and equipped) defence force.