Is not HIV just another step in the natural process of animals being attacked by pathogens? Most of the affected population die but a few naturally develop immunity which is then inherited by most of the population over generations. The same process has occurred ever since higher life evolved on earth and it's also a factor in the evolution of life.
That's the overall picture, but what humans are doing today is looking down the wrong end of the telescope! We just look at ourselves and say "How can we step in and stop this process today?" The answer is that - as with flu, malaria, cancer, the common cold - we mostly can't! Isn't that just as well?! The planet is in terrible trouble as a result of just one factor - the human population explosion. That's the root cause of all the world's problems today. On one hand we have science wringing it's hands and asking how to save miliions of lives a year - then science puts on a different hat and wrings it;s hands about global warming, extinction of species, starvation, over fishing, desertification, loss of forests etc. etc. What's it to be then?!
Nature will take it's course. Humans will develop immunity to HIV over generations. Until then, it's the responsibility of individuals not to expose themselves to undue risk.