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Should women fight on the front line?

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anotheoldgit | 12:24 Tue 30th Nov 2010 | News
65 Answers

The question that should be asked is, do Women really want to fight on the 'front line', or is it just a cop-out because men could charge the MOD with discrimination against men, (why should men put their lives at risk, but not women?

Because of this new ruling, should Male soldiers now be paid more than female soldiers, due to the increased risks that are involved in by the men?


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Jack, the media portrayal of women in the military is wrong. But I still stand by the fact that women should not be in combat units (ie Infantry, RM, special forces etc) yet.
Granted, I don't think they should be in mixed units.............
Okay, let me clarify something, because I do believe I know what I'm talking about.

I seved in Aden in 1967, during the 'Crater District incident' for mthose who don't know about it, google it, and I don't believe women would have been able to hack it, also seved in Oman, and three tours of Northern Ireland, although I think women would, for the most part, been able to hack it there.

In Afghanistan, a male dominated society, female troops surely, would be a drawback, but overall, there are plenty of 'frontline' positions for women, just, in my book, not the 'fighting frontline.
Lonnie, have you seen the film "Lebannon" about the 1982 war there?
There's another film, the name of which I've forgotten, set in a guard post in Palestine that the I.D.F are pulling out of, both very good films.
AOG # Have you ever been in the armed forces let alone on the front line? #
Yes ! Army 8 years ! In snow and desert ! Where did you learn military front line tactics ?

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Should women fight on the front line?

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