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Since I have answered the bully boys I thought it only fair to address your more reasonable post.
/// AOG: Why do you suddenly drop your faith in the mail when you dislike what they're saying? Why do you suddenly develop a capacity to critically assess their reports, but don't when they're in line with your world-view? ///
It is what is called making a reasonable criticism, not being non critical just because a person or newspaper usually posts on one set agenda.
Normally this is alien to the 'Left' who will continue to go along the party line no matter what.
This is why I attacked the Mail, because usually they generally report the true facts and in this case it would appear that the two reporters Paul Bracchi And Tim Stewart had obviously taken the opportunity to *** off the EDL for what must have been their own political reasons.
I know that the EDL like any other organisation Left or Right isn't perfect, but this so called 'special report' was unbalanced and bias. Had the Daily Mail in the past had reported evenly against the 'Left' or against he actions of some of the Muslim community, I would not had said anything, but they haven't, so we are not batting on a level playing field.
Just read through that report and take a non bias view of it, and then ask yourself, is it a true and genuine report?
If the Mail are prepared to equally criticise Left-Wing organisations in the future, then I am prepared to withdraw my present criticism of them.
Didn't you think I knew I would leave myself wide open by my criticism of the Daily Mail, of course I did, but doesn't this prove that I will continue to fight for a level playing field and the removal of all unnecessary PC?