Chuck is right, I rang BT after the October bill arrived and I told them that I felt the BTVision package was too expensive for us as we didn't really use it very much. I explained that the contract ended at the e4nd of december and we would be cancelling the vision., the woman then proceeded to offer us half price on all 3 servcies, the internet, vision and calls! 10 phinecalls later we have not had any confiormation that this is ever oin to happen, nor has BT said they will change the quartely bill, out total bill to end of october was £185 whioch included 57 a month foir the internet/vision and call package as was, we have so far since end october paid them £120 and £107, up to now! so we have paid £227 in 8 weeks of a £185 bill! and one department says they will credit us back to 1st november but another oen says they can't amend ciobntracts miod-billing cycle and we had a letter oin monday offering us £19.99 a month vision from the day after the existin contract runs out on 27th dec! So they are oing to alter the package m,id billing cycle and they will owe us about £150! It's a farce!