I was right yesterday when I said "one would have to be up early to post, if their was a similar news report concerning whites", and who better to come up with it than sp1814.
But he was in that much of a hurry to post he forgot the link, and being all for a 'level playing field' I have posted a Daily Mail report (being the paper not to hold back the facts) on this sickening crime.
Once again we see the sordid & horrible side of disgusting acts towards innocent children, but in this case it is even worse because it also involved four women, how can they do such things to the ones that they bring into this ever increasing sordid world?
A point in question about this case is the fact that the judge has told that disgusting creature that he may never be released, (and quite rightly so) but why wasn't the same justice metered out to those other paedophiles, and why were the four women let off so lightly?