Was he lucky not to have been charged with a more serious offence?
The film in the link is terrifying - had the extinguisher landed a few inches to its left the policeman would have been killed.
Media URL: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/8252480/Tuition-fees-sixth-form-student-jailed-for-throwing-fire-extinguisher.html Description:
"The judge also said he took into account the defendant's age, his guilty plea at the earliest opportunity and the fact that he had no previous convictions."
Well, he didnt kill anybody.......he didnt injure anybody.......yes he is a "prat " of the first order, but he wasnt the only "prat."
We have all(me included) done stupid things in our time and some of us continue to do stupid things. In my opinion it was a "spur of the moment" incident and could have been lethal.
2years 8 months is a harsh sentence for a stupid moment, which he may well regret all his life.
Actually Squad it is very often stupidity that leads to many crimes. Would you suggest more leniency generally. Quite honestly hurling a heavy fire extinguisher from a height into a crowd of people is not something most people would do even at the spur of the moment.
So sorry, I think he has got off very lightly indeed. He will be out in a year anyway.