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What is the prupose of the ECHR?

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R1Geezer | 10:36 Thu 10th Feb 2011 | News
22 Answers
It seems only to be used by yoghurt knitters to aide criminal scum. The rest of us have no ooman rights. It should be replaced by the ECCS. The European Court of Common Sense!


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Does it have to be Europe-wide? Let's go back to having our own!
It's to protect minorities from people like you.

Not surprised you don't like it.

Stray dogs don't like the dog warden
Common sense isnt all that common these days,but I totally agree with you.
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what you mean the public need protecting from hard working self sufficient people who pay their taxes and scrounge nothing so lefties can help their criminal mates through their flawed ideology? Right oh jake, have a look at yourself I think it's people like you that we need protecting from.
We've been in hoc to the US since WWII not being able to think for ourselves in many spheres. Now we have the ECHR telling us what to do. I think our backbone went missing after Margaret Thatchers removal.
if you're ooman (whatever that is, another one of those "comic" misspellings?) then you do have ooman rights. If for instance you were wrongly arrested - heaven forbid! - then you would be entitled to a trial. This isn't the case in countries that don't bother with ooman rights. Or do you seriously think you're as badly oppressed as the average North Korean?
No minorities need protecting from powerful majorities who want to make everyone just like them.

Minorities are generally people you have no time for:
Gay people
Yes even people in prison
Does that mean everyone in prison jake, even paedophiles and mass murderers?
The argument runs along the lines that anyone serving a sentence of less than 4 years, is likely to be in the 'outside world' at some point during the life of any one elected parliament.............and therefore should be allowed to vote and have a say, as this parliament will have an effect on their lives as it does for everyone else.

Those serving longer sentences can hardly be affected by any particular parliament nor the changes caused by electing a different party.....and therefore would not be entitled to vote.

If you are a white, christian, heterosexual, British person (especially male) your ooman rights are pretty much sacrosanct...........step outside of any/all of those groups and you may find that you have cause to be grateful for the legislation.

Surely everyone has a basic level of human rights which have to be protected?
R1Geezer - are you sure that the Human Rights is only invoked by so-called 'lefties'?

If so, could you please explain why the BNP, after calling the Act "one of the most pernicious pieces of legislation ever passed by the mother of parliaments" then went on to ask police to police to investigate breaches of the Human Rights Act after membership list was published on the Internet a couple of years back?

Does that prove that the Act can be used to protect all members of society, including those who support extreme right wing policies?
SP, one case vs thousands of pathetic rulings for scum like hate preachers, muggers, murderers etc etc. All being hailed as great by the right on set you and Jake belong too.

When you commit a crime you should forgo priviledges, you are there to be punished and removed from societly as you could not conform. Of course this does not mean you shoudl be treated without some dignaty but today we are far too much in favour of the criminal and his 'ooman rights.

The ooman rights act is not being used in the manner to which it was intended, also we are getting rulings from unelected foreigners. It is plain wrong.
/// If you are a white, christian, heterosexual, British person (especially male) your ooman rights are pretty much sacrosanct...........step outside of any/all of those groups and you may find that you have cause to be grateful for the legislation. ///

Now there is a statement one can ponder on.

Are you actually saying that if you are not British, White, Christian and Heterosexual you would have no rights, unless you weren't protected by this legislation.

Poppy-cock, there's more legislation to protect the 'minority groups' than a British, White, Christian heterosexual, could ever hope to enjoy.

Obviously you don't fit in this group or you would know this to be true.
Read it again, POF.............
It's not my fault that your extrapolation doesn't match what I wrote.

"Poppy-cock, there's more legislation to protect the 'minority groups' than a British, White, Christian heterosexual, could ever hope to enjoy"

If that were true (which, I'm afraid to say, it isn't), do you think there may be a reason why legislation was brought in to protect the rights of minorities?

One case sure, but a very famous one because it totally disproved the assertion that the Human Rights Act can only be invoked by certain sections of society. Surely you agree with that??
What is Common Sense ? Who is to decide ? Should punishment match the crime ?
Who will decide ? How many times should a criminal be given another chance , before being punished ?
Judging by ABers posts the answer to the last question would range from never to always.
The latter would never accept that some people are beyond redemption.

Let me ask this - if the BNP can ask the police to investigate a crime which it believes has broken their human rights, and ANYONE can be charged under the Equalities Act! Why you think that White, British heterosexual Christians ar so hard done by?

I honestly can't fathom why the group which sends it children to the best schools, has the best qualifications, the best jobs, the best houses, and the best chances could ever possibly be seen as the underdog.

One other question - could you give me a rough estimate of how many of the FTSE 500 companies are headed up by someone who is not a white British male?

Do you think it's more than or less than 97.5%?

A few case examples of how Europe's human rights court has made a mockery of British justice.
Unfortunately, no-one has yet documented the everyday examples of the Act being used in ways that we'd all support.

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