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12 year old suicide bomber

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anotheoldgit | 13:30 Thu 10th Feb 2011 | News
55 Answers

Are the Taliban now scraping the barrel when it sends 12 year olds to blow themselves and others up?

Should Pakistan now get tough with these terrorists when it was also only recently that a woman with a bomb strapped under her burqa killed 43 people at a United Nations food distribution point in Pakistan.

By killing their own countrymen, it destroys the myth (that some wish to believe) that they are not terrorists but freedom fighters.

Make no mistake about it these pieces of scum are out and out sadistic mass killers, and as such should be wiped from the surface of the earth at every opportune moment.


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I'm with squarebear and LoftieLottie on this one - i do see entirely where sb is coming from, and i do think it works perfectly.

We cannot understand the mindset of a culture that uses children as human bombs, but we owe it to the planet to try - because we all live here and have equal rights to our spaces.

I don't believe for a moment that the Taliban are sadists - or that 'wiping them from the face of the earth' is anything more than gung ho rhetoric, which is what has got us into this conflict in the first place, thanks to the reptillian Bush and his 'war on terror' nonsense.

Extremism exists,our only choice is how we deal with it - invasion and war is patently not working - maybe its time to try some dialogue.

Mrs Thatcher famously said she would not 'negotiate with terrorists' in Ireland. Fortunately her successors were rather less pig-headed, and negotiation is exactly what ended what seemed like an endless clonfict there.

It is the way forward - nothing esle has - or will work.
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Remember the often misquoted Jesuit saying : "Give me a child until he is seven and I will give you the man .".
Pakistan have thousands of Madrassas where young minds are brain washed and this sort of thing is the result. Most of our terrorists spent time in Madrassas.
I spoke to a Mullah and he told me all the chidren have to learn the Koran by heart .
Can you imagine having to learn the bible by heart, that brain washing alone would warp anyone's mind.
Androm - being simplistic is not going to help is it - do you have a point to make?
I am just gobsmacked that AOG can't imagine how people born into different cultures might have different ways of thinking than the good old british. A child brought up by a pack of wolves would act like a wolf. Surely that is understandable!!

In no way did Sqarebear or myself in any way praise this terrorist action, but I think that is obvious to everybody else except AOG.

And I did not call you thick AOG or insult you. I said that if you really couldn't understand why Sq.bear meant then I can only assume you were thick. Now you are saying that you do understand what he meant, although you have twisted it once again to save face.

And I didn't lose any argument AOG. I just gave up because you are totally exasperating. The best thing to do is walk away from people who exasperate you.
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/// I am just gobsmacked that AOG can't imagine how people born into different cultures might have different ways of thinking than the good old british.///

Once again making excuses for sadistic killers, while at the same time being rather sarcastic against the British ie "The good old British" What side are you really on?

To revert back to your insult against me, imagine this scenario,

You are chatting to an acquaintance in the street and you say to him, "if you can't understand your neighbour's point of view, then I can only assume you are extremely thick".

Do you really think that your acquaintance might not take this as an insult?
Read my lips AOG

AOG - I believe your use of the term 'sadistic' in this context is erroneous.

The definition of the word refers to the derivation of sexual pleasure from the act of inflicting pain on others.

I don't doubt that terrorists derive satisfaction from the killing and maiming of those they see as legitimate targets, but i would suggest that any pleasure as such is rooted in religious and cultural belief that their actions are created as part of a holy war against an armed invader. They are killers, they are not sadists.
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The use of capitals is against AB's rules.

What do you mean it is not about sides? It would be nice to live in that utopia that you obviously live in, but in the realistic world there comes a time when one must pick a side to be on.

And at the moment this country is experiencing an ongoing threat from Islamic terrorists, so I have chosen to be on the side that is against them.

Which side are you really on jake?
I wasn't being sarcastic about the British, I was being sarcastic about you AOG!! You really don't get it do you.
Understand the mind set of your enemy and you are better able to anticipate his next move

The problem we have; it seems to me, is we don't try hard enough to understand where different cultures/groups are coming from...we don't have to like what they do, or in any way condone it but if we understand surely we can more easily predict and defend

If as a side issue we can open the sort of dialogue that results in a peaceful solution great if not at least we can fight more effectively
Absolutely rowanwitch!

the Taliban preside over a feudal tribal system of life religion and government that is virtually unchanged since the twelfth centrury.

America, and by default Britain, imagine that the way to solve the obvious hatred of the Taliban for Western society is to send that western society;s military might to invade their country and subjugate them by force.

They have managed to do that, having patently ignored the experience of the Russians, who stayed for over a decade and retired defeated with no real progress made - or indeed their own lamentable experience in Viet Nam where they discovered that a nation fighting for its political independence is not about to be beaten in a guerilla war in its own back yard, where it fights fairly and sqaurely on its own terms - which are neither fair, nor square, as we have disocered to our tragic cost.

Dialogue is the only possible way forward, that is assuming we have not enraged the Arabic temprement sufficiently to mean that they will stand and die on their pride before talking to infidel invaders.

How long before it dawns on the military and the politicians (and one does direct the other here) that conflict has got us nowhere in real terms - dialogue may not either, but we are now in a 'nothing to lose'situation, since the troops dying there, and the threat of trerrorism over here, are only increased every day we remain there.

Waving away the Taleban as 'nothing' may satisfy some urge you have to appear defiant, but it won't make them go away (or stop killing). If you want to make an informed choice about how to deal with them, how can you possibly do so without trying to put yourself in their mindset? However uncomfortable, empathy (and not sympathy) is a fundamental technique in dealing with problems relating to other people - whether it's trying to catch a serial killer, solve a diplomatic dispute, or make an assessment of the taliban.

The fact that a man of your advanced years hasn't picked up on this yet is absolutely staggering. Even if you're not trying to solve problems in the world, it's a basic tenet of trying to have an informed opinion about human problems.
"What do you mean it is not about sides? It would be nice to live in that utopia that you obviously live in, but in the realistic world there comes a time when one must pick a side to be on."

Actually, (and I think this is what Jake is trying to say) if you look in detail at the world you find something much more complicated than just Team A vs. Team B - you find both consistent and diverse motivators for human behaviour. The world doesn't tend to be simple AOG - pretending it is is far more dangerous and also far more utopian. This is something you should have realised by now.

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