sandyRoe, as you probably know, I'm Jewish, have a large family in Israel, they went there when they were kick out of Egypt, anyway, your answer is very good, and in my book, fair. If you'll excuse me saying that.
annie0000, the Jews didn't kill Jesus, the Romans did.
whiskeryron, Apart from the settlements, which I agree should be stopped, how about asking the Arabs to give back all the land they've stolen?.
To explain a little, Prior to the Romans disbanding the country of Judah, (Israel had become extinct sometime before), there was no anti Jewishness, (there's a distiction between anti Semitism and anti Jewish), in Europe, virtually the only job a Jew could get, was as a Banker/moneylender, as it was frowned upon for a Christian to do it, so, through no real fault of their own, Jews became rich, at the expense of the home nationals, also, they were studious, and rose to the top of certain professions, again, the home nationals didn't like it.
There is a lot more, but not for now, it'll take a book.
These are just a couple of the reasons for anti Jewish in the past, but the stigma has come down through the ages.
One thing more, Jews, in the Synagogue, Friday evenings or Satuday mornings, the Rabbi reminds the congregation, 'never forget that you are a guest in this country', also, at Bar Mitzvahs, there are three toasts, one fo God, one for the President of Israel, and one for the Queen.
Sorry for going on a bit sp1814.