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Phrases & Sayings

Welcome To Phrases & Sayings where it is what you say and how you say it that is important.

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What is the difference between sence and sense???
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When asking the time, the response "Half past a quarter to, just struck a Bobby" is given. What is the origin and is Bobby a bell or chime?.
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Which is correct: I walked past the post office or I walked passed the post office
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helquest 3
Can someone please help I'm stuck on 3 remaining questions in a quiz called "a matter of life and death" all answers refer to life or death and may come from music, litrature or entertainment an eg...
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If you need to know the price, you can't afford to buy. I've heard it loads of times and been told that various people said it, which they probably did, but who said it FIRST?
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what do the initials n.j.a.s.b.i.s. b.t.a.t.h.t.f. i.a.v. c.m.a.o.w.b.e. m.c.s.t.m.
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what does the abbreviated saying mean mcilalagolal
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Can anyone give the latin equivalent of this phrase please?: He who leads, also serves. I believe it's in the Bible somewhere. TIA.
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Does anyone have the answer to this initial quiz 6 C of U ? For eg. 8 L on a S= 8 legs on a Spider
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Where has the current expression "mad as a box of frogs" come from? Is it an old or local saying? Why "frogs"?
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Which is your favourite ?
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Bodice, yes, but why, "Liberty?"
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Snowy Owl
Does anyone know the original quote which is so often used these days along the lines of...."You can take the girl out of the highlands, but you can't take the higlands out of the girl" Thanks in...
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when somebody wins some thing easy they say it was a cakewalk . origins pls
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Whats the deal with "shiver me timbers"?
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Can you make something you find in a kitchen from these letters (its an anagram) APUNDITALETUTOR
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doesnt change her spots, or her underware
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I have checked previous answers to this and they seem uncertain. any other ideas where it comes from? Ta
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dilligaf fubar
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What's the origin of "up to snuff" meaning (apparently) "up to the mark", "up to standard" ?

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