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Phrases & Sayings

Welcome To Phrases & Sayings where it is what you say and how you say it that is important.

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This phrase is slang for being on the dole or in receipt of social security benefits. I believe that "on the pan crack" originates from the coal mining areas of Yorkshire and I first heard...
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I am hoping you can help me settle a dispute. Is the sentence, "Would you like to come to the cinema with Jenny and me?", correct or is it Jenny and I? I am convinced it is the former but I have so...
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When one object picks up the identity of another object simply by being in close proximity to it, is that called osmosis?
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Shouldn't it be 'brelly'?
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that i am 'anal' about something? Meaning that I am particularly fastidious about details? Anal, sums it up perfectly, but I don't think it's very professional sounding!
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As somebody who hates Americanisms with a passion I caught myself out a couple of days ago saying Xmas instead of Christmas. I wondered What do other ABers think about this?
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I was out the other night and got stuck next to someone I don't really know and all night she kept saying that's so 24 ..... I don't understand
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is it because of the French or Spanish nombre?
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Where does kick the bucket come from?
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In Gloucestershire, as a child, I remember people saying 'All my eye and Betty Martin' and later my father-in-law using a cruder substitute word for the 'eye' bit! Does this saying come from the West...
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L A C E good I P food and drink related any ideas, Thanks in advance Leaf...
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What is the word or expression for an internet search that returns nothing ie a blank
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what term is often heard on great british bake off
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Peter cook character ( 6,7 )
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Why is a formal shirt front called a dickie or dicky ? And is the dickie bow, the bow tie, related to that?
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I have spent ages today trying to find where the following quotation comes from. It may not be worded correctly! Jesus said "do not look for me among princes or in palaces but among (more lowly...
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I'm curious how this expression came about as to me to be fed up should imply you are satisfied, yet it means quite the opposite. Any ideas?
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"It should give him pause" meaning that should cause him to think before acting or simply give him pause for thought, is a quaint construction which sounds like C17 English. But is it new...
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What is the correct name for those funny new computer-read patterns now appearing increasingly in advertisements etc? Living abroad, I feel I'm losing touch with latest coinings: it's difficult to ask...
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Why is a tank top, the garment, called a tank top?

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