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Phrases & Sayings
Welcome To Phrases & Sayings where it is what you say and how you say it that is important.Please feel free to share what makes you chuckle in the Jokes section.
I'm trying to answer the following:
9 D Q - L J G
16 Q in a B
5 S in O B
1960 C S F B
999 O L T a T
24 V in a H S
What is meant by the term "getting under a person's skin"?
"Getting under a person's skin" - What does it mean
French for "see you again soon"
whats the origin
<FONT color=#ff0000>wot is a tit bit?</FONT>
<FONT color=#ff0000></FONT>
<FONT color=#ff0000>hello</FONT>
where does the word "lyric" orginate from
which tv prog did "i'll ave a alf " come from
There is a rhyme about five good men, who, what, why, where and when. What is the full rhyme?
best day for planting beans
what is the meaning of "stir the box"?
what is the origin of this saying
whats its origin
Topher Grace uses Topher as an abbreviation for what common name?
where did the saying two ships passing in the night originate?
what is the origin of this saying
i need a saying for a men's broach
winged leaf stalk ?A?T
winged leafstalk ?A?T
winged leafstalk ?A?T