My daughter has just bought a stray puppy aged about 4 months.When I saw a picture of it, I felt it looked like a pit bull but now I've seen it and have looked at photo's on the internet I'm even more certain.
My daughter insists it isn't but I am worried because she has a son aged 4yrs,(my grandson)
How can I make sure that this dog doesn't have pit bull in her?
Sorry no, I don't have a picture of it.Have tried to but it just jumps up and tries to grab my camera. Today it picked up a glove and was really shaking it from side to side and growling at the same time.Tried to take the glove off her but she growled even more and just wouldn't let go.I was pulling the glove with both hands and she is just a puppy but there was no way she would let go.
They are really very good with children ummmm. And incredibly gentle. I wouldn't hesitate to have a Staffie. Unfortunately, people think they are like pitbulls. And some yobos get them and treat them badly to make them vicious and aggressive. They are no different to any other dogs.
Most dogs play the tug and pull game and growl... My mums jack russels do and they're not particularly fierce. I think the RSPCA offer a service where if you're not sure of a dog breed and think it's illegal (which I'm not sure pitballs are but am sure someone will tell you), then they will go and inspect it.
I agree with ummmm. In fact I would go even farther and say that I would not have any animals while I had young children. Seen the result of too many 'accidents' to chance it.
I'd agree it's much more likely to be a staffie or English bull terrier, both of which are very good temperament dogs to have with children.
It's only the Ammerican pit bull terrier that is covered by the UK dangerous dogs act (somewhat unfairly IMO as they are also very gentle and friendly dogs if well brought up)
I asked where she got the dog because r eputable animal rescue organisations would not rehome a pit bull. You say she bought it which sounds odd if it was a stray.
Miss prim are you used t o dogs yourself. Have you ever owned one. I don't mean this rudely, but a dog owner would recognise normal puppy behaviour of shaking a toy and growling. My grown dog does this with her squeaky toys. Is is really proper aggressive growling and teeth showing or just 'play growling'. A dog owner will know the difference.
ummmm. I have known several and they have been absolutely lovely. Don't judge them all by your Dad's. Any breed can be aggressive! The ones I have known were with children and as Chuck says they are known to be excellent with kids.