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Ducks names

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dustypuss | 15:34 Mon 16th May 2011 | ChatterBank
78 Answers
I have two ducks in my garden M/F can you suggest a name for them . Like the two crows that I had last year that we called Russel & sheryle ( Crow ) !


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Rubber and toilet?
Sweet and Sour
A L'orange and Crispy
george and mildred
Duck and Dive...............
Shoot and Down
Lunch & Dinner
Orville and luvva
Luvva and Fukka
william and kate !
Donald and Daffy
Donald and Daisy
This is really original: Daffy and Donald.
sqad and salla
Jack and Vera?
i love Paul's names- that gets my vote.
Welcome back BOO.........(I mean it)
yeah - Hiya Boo Boo x

Duck names? Boo and Oi (said quickly & sharply)
Crispy and Hoisin.
Someone sent me a copy of a thread squad where you were quite nice about me, i was well bloody shocked and quite touched (ok, no funnies!) about it. Now stop being nice to me, im not used to it :p

And yes, i did throw a mini tantrum, but you all knew i'd slink back eventually ;-)

Sorry Dusty, back to the Q....Paul's names still the best.
Ta Salla, sorry sqad, first time i spelt your name wrong ^

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