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Would a hospital actually do this?

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lala1984 | 05:38 Wed 01st Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
Hi all,

I as speaking to a mate last night and we was talking about another friend who suffers from depression.

We want to help her as she has self harmed and attempted suicide before and scared she might try again.
She said to my mate that she wanted to go to hospital, would they admit her if she just walked in saying she has depression and does not trust herself? Would they just keep her in for a few hours to observe her etc or actually admit her?

We are quite worried and want the best for her and if it's to spend a few days in hospital then so be it as long as she gets the help she needs.


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Oh should mention she was on anti depressants starting at normal 25mg which didnt work, then 100mg again didnt work so she stopped taking them.

She's in counselling and they advised to seek help immediately if needed
yes if she goes back to the psychiatric hospital that took her and one of you were to go with her. However, they normally have a front line team now linked to the "patient" to assist so if I was her I would first contact to avoid the hospital if you can. I have a very close friend with depression and bi-polarism which doesnt make for a very good mix......and for her being on the floor or the ceiling emotionally is not pleasant for her or for those around her. I have been there when she has been of 5 times.
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She does not got to a psychiatric hospital she has counselling at her docs. But me and my friend thought if we took her to a hospital maybe they could help.

We've all been up half the night texting and talking on the phone to make sure she has not done anything stupid.

I think its getting worse she just walks around for hours then goes somewhere and does not remember how she got there. Also carries packets of pills around in her bag.

We just don't know what to do
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So. Would a normal hospital admit her?
yes they may for 24 hours observation IF they had an appropriate ward and bed free! normally though you have to be forced in because the experience is so awful nobody wants to go! xx
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Thanks for the answer Cath I think she'd go. I'm going to go with her do I just tell them what she's like and what happens? I'm afraid they'll just turf her away
Would a normal hospital admit her?

Probably not. They will more than likely send her to her GP.

Sadly, 'normal' hospitals do not have much time for self harmer's in my experience.
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Thats what I though ummmm but her gp does not seem to do anything just try and giver her pills and to see a counsellor at her practice
Well then someone needs to see her GP and express their extreme concerns and try and get her sectioned.

A 'normal' hospital will only do something if she harms herself....and, again in my experience, they will only do that to get rid of her.
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Think I'll give hospital a call this morning to see if they would help instead of wasting their time going all the way there
Worth a shot....but has anyone been to her GP with her?
I doubt if they would admit her. Psychiatric wards, here in NI, anyway, are full to bursting. There was a report in the newspapers recently of a young man whos brother had committed suicide. His parents were concerned about him and took him to hospital. He was turned away and within days had killed himself.
It takes time for anti depressants to start to work. Her friends should try to get her to start taking them again.
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not sure ummm, don't think so only me and my friend know the seriousness not even her family know.

Sandy - she was on them for over 3 months and they did nothing.

Don't want her going docs where all they do it try and fill her full of pills in case she od's on them
Someone needs to go to her GP with her. Depressed people don't always portray the seriousness of their situation. Someone needs to do the talking for her.
I know someone who was in a similar position, her lady GP put her on a mild dose of tranquilisers and informed the mental health team, health visitor came to see her within a week, she arranged for her to see a lady psychiatrist at a local clinic who increased the meds and arranged for her to come to the day hospital twice a week [ they provide transport & lunch] also for a trainee psychiatrist to befriend her and do weekly home visit. She did not need a spell in the mental hospitall but some patients at the day hospital had been in the mental hopsital first and the were released only if they went to the day hospital. She still goes once a week now and has made friends there too.If you rang the GP and said how concerned you are and ask could the mental health team get involved he might then realise that your friend needs more help than he has offered.The tablets do help but they take a time to "kick in ".Hope this helps.
I think to be admitted to a mental hospital there has to be a referral.
And some anti depressants take about 3 months to kick in so she needs to continue taking them.
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Thanks dee. I know she told her GP she was scared she thinks she's going mad and again all they suggested was couselling. She was asked "where do you see yourself in a years time?" and without hesitation her reply was in a nut house or dead. That aint a way to live.
You have to take into consideration how many people a day her GP sees. She may not look, act, sound, as bad as his/her other patients. That's why it's essential that someone goes to her GP with her.
You could also try getting in contact with a CPN (Community Psychiatric Nurse) they also do assessments but you may need a referral. You will probably find a CPN at most Hospitals, they will assess and make recommendations to the health care team, Gp. etc.
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ooohhhh Thanks Ratter I didn't know that. I'll see if they have one at my local hospital

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