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Bunny money...........

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ELVIS68 | 02:14 Tue 26th Jul 2011 | Jokes
8 Answers
Whatever you do, don't try to rob a pet shop if you've got a cold.

I tried it today and I only managed to come away with a rabbit.

I ran inside and shouted, 'Give me your bunny!!'


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<<<<< leaves..

Such a groan-worthy joke deserves this!
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Gloren, carrotts would`ve been better!
Shurrup! - I hate it when you're right!
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Sorry chico, thanks for the video ;oP

Gloren, isn`t that always the way?
*sigh* Yep.
Yes, there are some very funny jokes on hare today!
a little ephemeral for my taste, what one could call fluffy.

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Bunny money...........

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